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Working Through Hard Places

Numbers 20: 2-13

Occasionally, we are assigned to hard places.

Frustration occurs when our life doesn't look like what we imagined.

This happens when we underestimate the difficulties of our assignment.

Most things appear easier than they really are.

When you actually get started on your journey, it isn't as glamourous as it seemed.

Hard places are given to strong people. Can God trust you when you're uncomfortable and it's not what you want?

Investigating your emotions should not delay your assignment.

Can't get to the promise without going through hard places.

You can have a hard place that people can't see.

Being gifted is a hard place. Being chosen is a hard place. Being anointed is a hard place.

We get hard to deal with in a hard place. Relying on other people can be dangerous. They love to make you a hero only to tear you down.

God will train you in hard places. It was good for me that I was afflicted so that I could know the power and glory of God.

We crave connectivity in a disconnected society.

Moses didn't complain about the drought, he was committed to being accepted by those who rejected him.

Suffering from an identity crisis. Be careful not to offend God by retaliating, speaking out of despair intensifies the crisis. Often assigned to help the people that hurt us.

My heart place is my hard place.

Anger is the camouflauge that hurt wears. It's easier to be angry than admit that you're hurt.

We get hurt when the promise is delayed. What you had in mind didn't happen like you thought it would. Need someone to blame because you had to keep moving in a dry place.

You have to learn how to work, grow, preach, inspire, love and build during a hard place. By faith, not by sight.

The tongue has the power of life and death. (Proverbs 18:21)

If you speak it, it will come to pass.

The drought is over. Your suffering has ended. You never have to go through that again. 🙏🏾

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